Who am I..?

 So I am writing this blog for the exact same question that we all face in different life stages: “Who am I..? ”.

We all are the characters of Different stories in some we play the main lead but in some, we are the supporting characters. We all do possess the spirit of achieving our future goals and wanted to become someone with the ideal personality and the role model that all of us dream of. Since childhood, the challenging conditions that all of the characters face in different stories cause the image of their future self blurry. We don't know at that point what we wanted to become sometimes we’ve many different pathways and all lead to different futures so there came the word choice alongside compromise at that point we have to make choices that will be the future of our character in stories to make those choices sometimes we make a compromise to achieve but at that point, your childhood dreams become meaningless or childish you can say.

That's the moment when this question is asked by you to yourself “Who am I..? & What I wanted to become? "

As a writer of this blog, I am also suffering from this question that what I am and what I always wanted to become. But these things help me a lot. Don’t let your morale down and select your career also I advise you to make a roadmap to your career and set your goals for what you want to achieve and complete them according to your life that your character living in stories but make sure to make those goals Dynamic because this life is very unexpected and you never know what will happen next

Just follow the rhythm and marks your goals as you achieve them the time they do need to be updated so update them and start completing them think of this as a game each level became harder and harder to achieve but when you achieve that it gives you pleasure it is temporary but it is what it is..?

Just enjoy every single or little achievement you make because this world is full of unexpectedness 


Anonymous said…
Keep working hard :)